A dental emergency in Weston can occur in a number of different ways. If you are feeling discomfort, it may be the result of an injury to the oral-facial area, the flare up of a longstanding issue, or the result of the sudden and seemingly inexplicable onset of pain. It doesn't matter what the cause of your oral pain is, you need urgent dental care to provide relief. In addition, you need urgent dental care to avoid even more serious consequences to your oral health and function, as well as your overall health.
Emergency dental care can be required for a number of reasons. These include:
Having a toothache might be one of the more common reasons that patients come to our office for emergency oral care. However, we also diagnose and treat other kinds of dental emergencies in Weston, FL that aren't necessarily painful. For example, we can fix crowns that have dislodged or broken dentures that leave embarrassing spaces in one's smile.
You need to contact our emergency dentist in Weston immediately for treatment if you are experiencing oral-facial pain or if you suspect that an infection is present. If you need wisdom teeth removal in Weston, FL or need to be seen as soon as possible, we make every effort to do so.
New Patient: (954) 852-0491
Existing Patient: (954) 349-4004
Mon-Wed : 8:00am – 6:00pm
Thurs : 8:00am – 5:00pm